School to Home Communication:
It is important to keep a line of communication open for our students to be successful. There are many ways to stay in communication with the school:
-The Indian Diggings Web Site is updated on a weekly basis.
-Auto Calls from Mr. Coffin on an as needed basis. You can have up to ten phone numbers with the option for text message and up to four emails on the list.
-Email and phone calls are also a great way to stay in touch.
-And . . . stopping by to see us. Parents are always welcome to stop by before and after school to chat. (You can stay during the day to volunteer too!)
To update your contact information please print the form below and send to the school.
School to Home Communication Form
Family Handbook:
Please find a PDF of the Family Handbook below.
Students will be assigned homework from time to time. This may include:
*Students' unfinished classroom assignments
*Special projects
*Reading should be done each night for at least 20 minutes.
Field Trip Info:
All enrolled students must have a field trip permission slip filled out and signed prior to leaving for the trip.
Families are welcome to attend field trips with us. The school or Volunteer Club pays for all enrolled students and staff. We will pay for any parent that must drive students other than theirs. Others attending must pay for all costs and fees.
All drivers must have the proper paperwork filed with the school.
Please have your students who ride with other families or staff to write a thank you note and helping other families with gas is encouraged.